Shipment Schedule

Order Placed from 24th to 9th?

  • Shipment Date: The 14th

Order Placed from 10th to 23rd?

  • Shipment Date: The 28th

*If a shipment date falls on a Sunday or a holiday, orders will be shipped the following day.


strength ☾ sweet herbal tea
from $6.00
Order Your Magick
rebirth ☾ fireside
from $6.00
Pre-Order Your Magick
Mabon ☾ fallen leaves
from $6.00
Pre-Order Your Magick
the healer ☾ sage & lavender
from $6.00
Order Your Magick
protection ☾ frankincense
from $6.00
Order Your Magick

*** be sure to check out our Candle Care Guide